Corvo is starting to come to a nice simmer with American Redstart and Bobolink in the last few days, another week of work and I'm off to join the party. Olof, currently on Corvo for a first (marathon) season, is blogging daily
here; Peter and Simon are closing in fast (having completed their chumfest) and their adventures can be followed
here. Official news is probably best garnered from Staffan et al.
here. The usual mix of profanity, misinformation and downright lies will, of course, be brought to you on this very blog,... just as soon as I get out there. With luck I'll be able to Twitter on the hoof, imagine that, a live text feed from the WP land of milk and honey/ham and cheese/wicker and man (delete as appropriate).
In the meantime, something for the über natural historians amongst you, a little poser. Can you identify the subject of the piccy below? The prize for the supplier of the first correct answer is to be revered like a god wherever you go, rose petals shall be scattered before your every step and a fanfare of golden trumpets shall sound as you awake each new morn. Failing that, you might get a "Well done sir!" or, at the very worst, a "How the f**k did you know that?!"
On shape they look like caterpilar turds to me, but the scale may be way out!
Very impressive Mr. B. If you can name the species I might just fall off my chair.
I'd like to think the parallel grooves are from the paired tails of a Puss Moth or Sallow Kitten, but that would be fanciful (and anatomically impossible), so I'd guess Elephant Hawkmoth.
Buff-tip, the answer you were looking for was Buff-tip.
Well, Sallow Kitten was close enough to sound very sad. Still, it all pales into insignificance compared with a Canada Warbler. I'll have to scrutinise Dingestow with extra-keen eyes tomorrow while you are out of county, or I might even try a hit & run on Farmfield lane...
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