A goodish day but still lacking in real quality. Seven warbler species in the reeds and scrub at Uskmouth/Farmfield this morning included: 1 Grasshopper, 2 Sedge, about 20 Reed and 1 Willow. Additional, earthbound, migrants included 2 Whinchat and 3 Stonechat flicking about in the sunflower field whilst, overhead, movement consisted of a trickle of Skylarks, hirundines, Mipits, Yellow and Grey Wags.
I liked this image very much and showed it to some whippersnappers in the office who were getting excited at pictures of "spider man lizard"
Of course I was expecting some chuckles of appreciation at how much more clever your picture was but sadly the response I received was along the lines of "who is Fu Man Choo?"
Speech failed me but I must have shaken my head for a good 2 minutes or more.
You see this is exactly why the UK is in the state it is today - a complete lack of appreciation of evil criminal masterminds, indeed one has to travel quite a distance before meeting any aficionado of hirsute villainy of any kind; a depressing situation, I think you'll agree. What do they get taught in school nowadays?
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