A short tin can ride later and Shapwick Heath loomed into view; all the recent goodies were present, a short walk later and more looming, first up Great White Egret followed by White-fronted and Bar-headed Goose, and finally the 5000 year old Sweet Track (aaah, how sweet). Looming marvelous!

Next stop Cheddar Reservoir where everything behaved terribly well, apart from some snotty kid, who insisted on wandering across in front of my scope in an attempt to scare the birds. Unfortunately for him, everything on the reservoir appeared to have never seen a human before, the Red-necked Grebe just sat there gawping at the pudgy little brat. One of us, me or the grebe (can't remember which), asked him if ugly fat kids like him still get beaten up at school,... he left. Also parading about on the water were a Great Northern Diver and five Scaup (I ignored the fact that one of the males appeared to have the merest hint of a vestigial bump at the rear of the crown and an ever so slightly darker mantle [edit: perhaps it would be more accurate to say four Scaup and one 'mostly Scaup', the bird is back/left in the pic below]). Superb day all round methinks.

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