08 August 2010

Today's to-do list done

Pretty good day, have successfully ticked everything off the to-do list.

04:16 - stop alarm
04:17 - dress in 'birding clothes' (dull coloured, ill-fitting, doesn't-matter-if-they-get-shat-on-type-things)
04:18 - trip over Jack
04:19 - stop swearing
04:20 - put kettle on
04:23 - make two cups of tea, one for now, one to go cold for drinking on return
04:25 - consume three Weetabix
04:30 - find and pack gear
04:35 - leave house
04:36 - wake entire street with accidental 120 dB blast of Radio 4
04:40 - 100 mph down bypass with Rufous Whistler blaring from the CD player
04:45 - divert ringing partner from his breakfast cereal to his car
04:50 - 100 mph down bypass
05:00 - sidestep slumbering Newport
05:15 - arrive at reserve
05:20 - start erecting nets
05:21 - ringing partner swearing at nets
05:35 - finish erecting nets
05:35 - start ringing circa 140 streaked and unstreaked acrocephalus warblers of two, rather predictable, types
06:35 - betrayed by the short-term satiation of Weetabix (must stick to Shredded Wheat), ate banana.
07:05 - 'speez', note Tree Pipit heading west
07:15 - 'speez', note another Tree Pipit heading west
13:00 - cease ringing circa 140 streaked and unstreaked acrocephalus warblers of two, rather predictable, types
13:10 - leave site
13:40 - arrive home
13:45 - unload and stow gear on floordrobe
13:46 - stick TMS on telly/wireless amalgam
13:47 - make cheddar, tomato and Dijon mustard sandwiches
13:48 - realise sandwich is a bit heavy on the mustard
14:02 - head to study in south wing
14:12 - arrive in study, stick TMS on beautiful, new, shiny iMac
15:05 - interrupted repeatedly by cleaner
15:15 - ban cleaner from study
15:20 - put sign on study door "Private! Boys room, Darryl and Jack only, stay out!"
15:25 - plot cleaner's untimely demise as back-up plan
16:17 - find portal to another dimension in the back of an old Brother HL-12 printer
16:33 - drink third caffeine rich drink in attempt to stay awake
16:34 - fall asleep
18:25 - wake up
18:27 - make another cup of tea
18:28 - drop cup of tea on realising Pakistan are still batting
18:29 - mop up tea
18:39 - blog

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