And now for the first post in an, in all likelihood, irregular series entitled 'Whilst going through a load of recordings in my little room I got side-tracked and ended up doing this more-or-less by mistake but now I've done it I might as well stick it up on the interweb because it will fit in just dandy amongst all the other largely ignored inconsequential shite hanging about in the ether with absolutely no grammar in their titles'. Snappy moniker huh?
Number 1. The Marsh Tit. Number 1. The Marsh Tit.
You'll need to click on the pic to read the gubbins.
For information on the effects of noise on birdsong see:
Brumm, H. (2004). The impact of environmental noise on song amplitude in a territorial bird. Journal of Animal Ecology 73:434-440.
Brumm, H, and Todt, D. (2002). Noise-dependent song amplitude regulation in a territorial songbird. Animal Behaviour 63:891-897.
Slabbekoorn, H. & Peet, M. (2003). Birds sing at a higher pitch in urban noise: Great Tits hit the high notes to ensure that their mating calls are heard above the city's din. Nature 424:267.
Wood, W.E. & Yezerinac, S.M. (2006). Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia) song varies with urban noise. The Auk 123: 650-659.
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