26 May 2011

Old skool

Despite having my spare batteries and cards in my pocket, I managed, by some quirk of mental numbness, to arrive at the Hoopoe without my 'proper' camera. Had to burn it up old stylee with a bit of retro digi-scoping action. Oooooosh!

[Does any of this make sense to anyone?]


... is definitely...

... and quite categorically...

... not...

... a...

... Mistle Thrush.

My second in Gwent; I have also dipped one, been on two wild Hoopoe chases and missed out on at least one suppressed bird in the county. The girlfriend has also bagged two but, most importantly, this current bird is my dog's tick,... everyone's a winner!


Weekend Birder said...


Darryl said...

To quote the mighty Robert Allen Zimmerman, "136".

Darryl said...

Or, to be more precise,... "Shit-Ting!"

Trashmaster46 said...

Still, some nice photos.