09 November 2012

Way out in the water, see it swimmin'

Overcame the post-trip inertia today and managed to actually get out birding in Gwent. Good numbers of Lapwing, Dunlin and winter thrushes at Goldcliff but little of real interest beyond Spotted Redshank and a few Black-tailed Godwit. Boat Lane flattered to deceive, lots of flooding and quite a few birds but, apart from the Canada Goose hybrids, nothing to trouble the notes app. However, highlight of the day appeared just before dark in the form of a 1st-winter/female Common Scoter in the bay just east of Goldcliff Point; clearly viewable from MM's gaff, nice garden tick.

Oh yeah, we rescued a sheep,... 

Sheep as found (inset) and sheep once righted (note other sheep staring in disbelief at its bizarre shape).  Was it like that before it fell over? Or did it writhe itself flat? You could serve drinks off that.

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